BardyConsult is dedicated to educating young entrepreneurs and thus support the formation, growth and success of small business. Dr. Bardy's longtime experience - in a large business - has nevertheless proven to be a valuable input. Quoting Lee Iacocca (from "Talking Straight", 1988): "What makes us think that a fifty-something old does not have twenty more good years left in him - or thirty? .. The Oriental mind says, the longer you live, the smarter you get ... Many of the people who run Japan are in their seventies or eighties. The´ve lived long enough and gotten wise enough at least to protect young people from self-destruction. Nothing is new to them; they´ve seen it come an go".
Dr. Bardy's LecturesHere you find some documents for download. ABC_for_EIASM_Dec2002 (doc ca. 147 kb) AUSTRIA_in_WWII (doc ca. 57 kb) Accounting_in_Networks_ (doc ca. 110 kb) Aufsatz_WEKA_Controlling_und_Supply_Chain_Mgmt (pdf ca. 433 kb) Aufsatz_WEKA_Controlling_von_Dienstleistungen_ (pdf ca. 608 kb) Aufsatz_WEKA_WiEthik_und_Controlling (pdf ca. 637 kb) Aufsatz_für_Drucker_Forum_Wien_2009 (doc ca. 92 kb) BSC_Fall_Automation_Systems (ppt ca. 648 kb) BardyToulouseAbstract (doc ca. 26 kb) BetrWert (doc ca. 112 kb) Business_Ethics (doc ca. 94 kb) Comparative_Supply_Chain_Performance (pdf ca. 265 kb) Comparative_Supply_Chain_Performance_ (pdf ca. 265 kb) ContrSCh (doc ca. 4824 kb) Controlling_in_neuen_Organisationen (pdf ca. 489 kb) Controlling_von_Nachhaltigkeitsprojekten (pdf ca. 1993 kb) Controlling_von_Nachhaltigkeitsprojekten_ (pdf ca. 1993 kb) ContrundManag (doc ca. 427 kb) CtrAsien (doc ca. 153 kb) Distributed_Decision-Making_in_Cross-Border_Networks (doc ca. 185 kb) (pdf ca. 1308 kb) Drucker_Forum_Wien_2009_ (pdf ca. 3750 kb) Einkauf_Basel_II_ (ppt ca. 382 kb) FDI_and_Ethics (pdf ca. 423 kb) IRIE_Information_Ethics (pdf ca. 284 kb) Indigenous_Wisdom (pdf ca. 541 kb) Information_Ethics (pdf ca. 83 kb) Lead_Book_flyer (docx ca. 478 kb) Leadership: A transatlant (doc ca. 68 kb) Managing in NPOs (doc ca. 95 kb) OTSC_EVA_expanded (pdf ca. 1018 kb) OTSC_FDI_and_Social_Order_ (pdf ca. 1274 kb) Output_Based_Budgeting (doc ca. 27 kb) Peter_F (pdf ca. 1308 kb) Planung_der_betrieblichen_Funktionen (doc ca. 579 kb) PrContLong01 (doc ca. 324 kb) Public_Goods_WJEMD_2016 (pdf ca. 198 kb) QRAM_SENT-9th_March_Bardy (doc ca. 119 kb) RETHINKING_LEADERSHIP (pdf ca. 467 kb) Romanian_Controller_Club%3A_C_in_E (ppt ca. 155 kb) Romanian_Controller_Club%3A_StrPl (ppt ca. 382 kb) Seminar_BalScCd_SC (ppt ca. 1899 kb) Shifting_the_Paradigm_of_ROI (pdf ca. 105 kb) StandardKR (doc ca. 170 kb) StrategPlanung_auf_Geschaeftsfeldebene (doc ca. 325 kb) Strategisches_Controlling_der_Beschaffung (pdf ca. 216 kb) Strategisches_Controlling_der_Personalführung_ (pdf ca. 434 kb) Systemic_Dimension_of_FDI (pdf ca. 724 kb) Sytem_Perspective_on_SDG_Indicators (pdf ca. 662 kb) THE_TRANSATLANTIC_DIVIDE_IN_LEADERSHIP (doc ca. 214 kb) Transatlantic_Divide (pdf ca. 423 kb) Veroeffentlichungen (doc ca. 28 kb) WEKA_Aufsatz_Business_Planning (doc ca. 304 kb) WEKA_Aufsatz_Contr_und_QM (pdf ca. 458 kb) WEKA_Aufsatz_Methodik_des_betr_RW (doc ca. 439 kb) WEKA_Aufsatz_Strateg__Contr__Beschaffung (pdf ca. 216 kb) WEKA_Aufsatz_System_und_Ablauf_betr_Plg (doc ca. 857 kb) Zielsystem_des_betrieblichen_RW (doc ca. 155 kb) |
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