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BardyConsult AA&A (Advice, Appraisals & Audits) has been established in Mannheim, Germany, in 1999. The focus is on appraisal and valuation as well as on audits of organization and of procedures in accounting and control. Support is provided for start-ups, spin-offs, MBO, succession and MBI. Main customers are small and medium businesses.
The U.S. office is located in Naples, Florida. There are several networking partners in Germany as well as in Vienna, Austria, and Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Dr. rer. pol. Roland Bardy, M.B.A., born 1942, has been employed in a major German multinational as a director in the areas of administration, accounting and controlling. He is adjunct instructor at Goizueta Business School, Emory University, Atlanta, and Lecturer at Florida Gulf Coast University, Fort Myers, as well as at the University of Applied Sciences in Worms, Germany. As from 2002, he also teaches at Donau University, Krems (Austria), and LIMAK (Linz Management Academy), which is attached to Johannes Kepler University, Linz (Austria).